Constituent Lay Associations

Catholic Association of Teachers, & College Lecturers
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589

Catholic Medical Association
The Catholic Medical Association (UK) supports Catholics in healthcare to integrate their Catholic Faith with their clinical practice.The CMA (UK) represents healthcare professionals, hospital chaplains, clinical managers, medical scientists – anyone involved in providing healthcare in the UK.We also serve the Catholic laity and the general public. We are willing to assist with clinical or ethical queries as we are able, using our clinical experience and understanding of the Church’s teaching.

Catholic Men’s Society of Great Britain
To encourage to help and to prepare men to become active and responsible Christians, so that they may be able to assume the responsible role of the layman in the Church today.
Through their baptism and confirmation, the laity are called to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in their homes, families, parishes and workplace.
- Phone:01848 330283

Catholic People’s Week
CPW is a not-for-profit volunteer-led organisation that runs holidays that 'make a difference' - known as Catholic People's Weeks. The organisation's mission, and therefore the mission of each event, is to revitalise the heart, mind and spirit of Catholic people today. From weekends to week-long holidays, we hope that you will find events that nourish your faith, ignite your intellect, inspire social action, challenge your understanding, invite creativity, and enrich you with friendships old and new.

Catholic Women’s League (CWL) of England & Wales
The League is involved in charitable work of all kinds. Members endeavour to exert influence in those issues rooted in social justice and peace and particularly seek to make the voice of Catholic women heard in the legislative system on issues of the Family. The League offers members the opportunity to develop and learn new skills, enabling them to fulfil their mission of service to one another, to their parish and to the church.
- Phone:(+44) 01531 633502

Christian Life Community
A worldwide community composed of small groups which meet regularly, enabling each member to deepen their life of prayer and to support one another in their response to God’s love. CLC’s special characteristic is the spirituality of St Ignatius, helping members to integrate prayer with daily living.
For further information contact :
- Phone:

Knights of St Columba
The Catholic Fraternal Organisation for the United Kingdom dedicated to all things pertaining to the Catholic Church through Charity, Unity and Fraternity
- Phone:0141 883 5700

Life Ascending
Life Ascending is a Catholic movement of the Church, open to all men and women who have reached a ‘certain age’ in life. Encouraging them to be messengers of peace and calm, particularly for those who are still unsure and too fearful to go out and about once more. Our blessed Lord is with us and by studying His Holy Word, together, we can find answers to the difficulties and problems that face us and what He is asking of us at this stage of life.

Newman Association
The Newman Association’s link with Cardinal Newman is in sharing his desire for an instructed laity and in striving to be a means to that end. Our memorandum of association (stiffened by 1940’s legal starch)gives our main object as:“To further the mission to the world of the Christian religion with particular reference to the Roman Catholic Church and in the light of the life and work of the Blessed John Henry Newman, by promoting greater understanding of the Christian faith and the application of its principles to the contemporary world.
- Phone:01642 645732

National Justice and Peace Network (NJPN)
The National Justice and Peace Network (NJPN) welcomes all who share a vision of a world in which people live in peace and harmony, where our common humanity is respected and all are able to contribute freely to the common good.
- Phone: 020 7901 4864

St Vincent de Paul Society
Our aim is to tackle poverty in all its forms through the provision of practical assistance to those in need.The concept of need is broader than financial hardship, so visiting people who are sick, lonely, in prison, or suffering from addiction is also a significant proportion of our work. The essence of our work is person-to-person contact and spending time with people is our greatest gift.
- Phone:0207 703 3030

The Union of Catholic Mothers
We are a National Organisation of Catholic Women, open to all women of all ages who support our aims and objectives in 'prayer, love and active witness to marriage, family and Christian life in the world' (from our membership prayer).WHAT WE DO
Throughout our 100 year history we have been involved in current affairs, particularly those that impact on family life, lobbying our MPs and MEPs to protect the marginalised and vulnerable in society both home and abroad. We are affiliated to other like minded organisations, are active in our parishes and support each other in love and prayer.